If you have followed this Blog for a while you may remember a few previous Blogs based on our clucky hen, and the one chicken she hatched. (Those Blogs were in November and December last year)
We were so excited about that chicken.
That was the first time, for either of us, that we had seen the progress of incubation, hatching, and chicken growth.
All for ONE solitary chicken!!!!!
That one chicken is now almost 4 months old.
It is a White Sussex bantam, just like its mother and father...as you would expect!
That was the first time, for either of us, that we had seen the progress of incubation, hatching, and chicken growth.
All for ONE solitary chicken!!!!!
That one chicken is now almost 4 months old.
It is a White Sussex bantam, just like its mother and father...as you would expect!
Here you can see the rooster,the father, and the chicken which hatched last November. |
But lately we've been re-educated in the fine art of poultry reproduction.
Oh no, not quite all the salient details, but the hatching of eggs and the growth of chickens, has been a focus for us.
This time our very efficient clucky hen has sat on, and hatched 11 eggs! Yes, 11.
And all the eggs were fertile, and we have 11 chickens, which are 15 days old today. (Wednesday 7th March)Day 1 of their lives. Can you see a couple (or parts thereof) under the mother's wings? |
One day old, and learning what to eat. There are only 10 visible here, but believe me....11 hatched. |
We were aware of the impending increase in numbers when the clucky hen stopped laying in the hen-house. She waited to lay her eggs when all the chooks were let out to roam the farm.....this happened at lunch time each day.
We found that she was laying 1 egg per day in her favourite old spot....behind the hanging ivy which draped over our old tank stand.
Every day we would count the eggs, and when we saw 10 there, we assumed that she would stop laying.
We were almost right.
The next day she stopped....but only after laying 1 more egg.
Then she just sat. And sat. And sat.
She did not return to the hen house at dusk, as was her wont (isn't that a lovely old-fashioned word....wont?)
She stayed under the tank stand.
O.K., we thought, 21 days incubation, then new chicks.Most of the chickens are under the mother's wings. These three are the adventurous ones. One day old. |
Our calculations were out, by 1 day. They were to hatch, according to us, on a Tuesday.
It was interesting.
I had been visiting the "expectant mother" daily, lifting the ivy to see her in her hidden nest, and clucking at her, (I am NOT a good chook imitator!) and scratching her head.
She tolerated my intrusions.
On the Saturday prior to hatching she fluffed up her feathers in agitation, and was not keen on having her head scratched.
Next day, a Sunday, when I tried my visiting technique she fluffed up her feathers again, and this time, pecked me on the hand.
It was "Go away. Leave me alone" language.
I understood. I thought that her hatching time was close...2 days to go, in fact.
I left.
Next morning, a Monday, and a day to go according to our maths, lo and behold, she was out of the nest with 11 little chicks. 11 balls of yellow fluff.
One day old. You can count the 11 if you want to check. |
One looked quite frail, and I thought that it was the runt of the litter, and would probably not see the day out.
Not a good photo, but this chick look so frail and sick, in the early hours after its hatching. |
Again I was wrong. It was probably the last to hatch, and only a few hours old, if that, and was still woozy. It looked as if it was drunk!!!
With the chicks back in her favourite spot....under the ivy, under the tank stand. There are two peeking out from her wings. |
But now, day 16, they are all growing rapidly.
"Mum" and her 11 chickens out for a stroll! Note how they have grown in 2 weeks. |
There are 11 here, and they are losing their "baby" softness, and are beginning to look more gangly. |
Sex distribution will have to wait for a few more weeks, when we can tell the roosters from the hens.
Anyone want some chooks?
This will be my last Blog for about 4 weeks. I am going to Shanghai again, for 3 weeks.
Although I can send and receive emails, there is no Google, and no Internet, for me.
No Google means NO BLOG.
I hope that you will remember to log in, in about 4 weeks. I think that then I will have Blogs on Shanghai.
Over and Out.