Monday, May 7, 2012

The growing poultry population here on the farm.

Do you remember the tales of our chickens?
Last year our mother hen hatched one egg, and raised one chicken. (It is now a rooster!)
This year, in late February, she hatched and raised 11 chickens. (See blog in late February for photos of the chicks at one day old, and at 14 days old)

 Here are three photos of the chickens at 6 weeks.

"Mum" is in the foreground. The chickens are developing their black neck feathers.

With her brood foraging around the dam. (not all 11 are in the frame, obviously)

The next two photos were taken at dusk, inside the chook pen. 
The White Sussex bantams prefer to roost in a tree, not in the roost built by us. (The Isa Browns roost tree-climbing for them!)

When the mother hen introduced her brood to the chook pen, the chickens were only 5 weeks old. They had great difficulty trying to climb up into the tree, like their mother.
My husband added this "ladder" which the chickens use to access the lower branches. you can see.
Once in the tree, they can easily move among the branches and find a roost.

Using the ladder to gain access to the lower branches.

Up high with last.
Only last week we lost a chicken.

We have no idea what happened to the missing chicken. Was it eaten by a fox or a quoll? Was it bitten by a snake? The last is probably not a reality because it is Autumn here on the Granite Belt, and the nights especially are cold. Most self-respecting reptiles are probably asleep for the winter by now.
No....a fox we think, because there are foxes about. We have seen them. In broad daylight. Not just at dusk. (We saw a fox kill a rabbit only last week)
So the mother hen has done well to raise 10 of the 11 to this stage. 

And here are a couple of photos of the chickens at 11 weeks of age.
We can't tell yet whether they'll be hens or roosters.
But you can see how much they're growing.

Coming out of the hen house...."mum" with one of her brood.

Early morning, and out of the hen house to eat seed.
..and then out to hunt for food in the grass.
 Isn't the mother a beautiful looking hen?