Saturday, November 26, 2011

We have a new chicken!!

Do you remember my Blog about the "missing" white Sussex bantam hen, which we found hidden under overhanging vines growing on an old water tank?
And she was clucky i.e. sitting on an egg or two.
We checked incubation times, and they are approximately 21 days.
Will she hatch an egg or two?

Here is her hiding spot....under the overhanging vines.

Here she is sitting on her egg/s. This was taken approximately 3 weeks ago.

I have repeated the photos to remind you. (I always enjoy looking at photos, so I hope that you do too)

The last few days here have been cold, and wet, and windy, in Ballandean.
But today the sun came out.
And so did our broody hen, with a small fluffy yellow chicken in tow.

"Mother and baby are doing well" as the saying goes!

..and here is the new chicken. Isn't it cute?

It appears to be a couple of days old, so we assume that she kept it under her wings, out of the wind and rain, for the last few days, in her hidden brooding spot.
We were very excited to see it at last.

She survived her incubation period, without being eaten by predators. 
That is amazing.
We hope that she can protect her chicken from predators too.
Keep your fingers crossed!

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