Friday, April 20, 2012

The carts of Shanghai...part 1: The Recyclers.

I love the various modes of transport you can see in Shanghai.
I love the juxtaposition of the very old style carts, and new, up-to-date, top-of-the-range cars all sharing the streets quite amicably.

This Blog will be mainly a series of photos of carts and bikes I have seen.
They have many functions.
There's the recylers' carts.
The flower sellers' carts.
The fruit and/or vegetable sellers cart.
And carts or bikes for transporting goods from A to B. 
And the carts can be of different types:- carts that are pulled along, with the person walking between two shafts; bikes which are ridden or motorised; tricycles which are ridden or motorised; motor scooters. (The motorised bikes run silently....battery power)

There are so many types of carts and bikes that this Blog will only focus on the recyclers.
The others will follow in the next Blog.

So cast your eyes over the recyclers and their loads.

A neatly stacked tricycle...mainly with  cardboard, all folded into smaller bundles.

Recycling wooden slats and boards.

Any old electrical appliances are collected by this person.

Mainly boards, but other miscellaneous material. Pulled along.

Another cardboard recycler.

This recycler is practically hidden by his load!

Carts waiting to be filled.

Another recycler, pulling a load of boards.

Just look at this the cyclists manage to keep vertical, and make progress amazes me!
In the photo above, you can see the cyclist's legs and right hand. That's all there is to see from this angle.

All packed up, tied on, and ready to go.

Team work in pulling this cart-load of timber.

Two recyclers stacking their tricycle..

Another example of a cart which is pulled.

This was the only "untidy" cart I saw. It looks very haphazard.

So that is a small sample of the recyclers' carts.  Each recycler has a bell which they ring, as they ride through the streets, collecting their materials. Locals recognise the particular rings, and bring out their recyclable material, which is collected.
They apparently take their loads  to a site where they can be sold.
The Chinese have been recycling for centuries, and can certainly teach us about reusing materials.

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